Change Your thinking with CBT meets The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*** in this first commercial book on REBT by leading psychotherapist Daniel Fryer. See dramatic results within six weeks.
Highly experienced and sought after REBT psychotherapist Daniel Fryer is a former journalist with an MSc in rational-emotive and cognitive behaviour therapy, a diploma in clinical hypnosis and another in cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy. A therapist since 2004; he works for The Priory Hospital in Bristol, runs his own private clinic (also in Bristol) and is a consultant at the occupational health division of a private health care company. Prior to this, he was based full-time in London (he moved to Bristol in 2016). He worked as a specialist for ten years at the Royal Brompton Hospital, treating psychogenic pain conditions, and ran two successful London-based practices. He has lectured on college courses, developed specialist workshops, and gives regular talks on mental health and wellbeing topics.
Banish those toxic thoughts for good
*The Sun*
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