Pete Greig cofounded and champions the 24-7 Prayer movement, which has reached more than half the nations on earth. He is a pastor at Emmaus Rd. in Guildford, England, and has written a number of bestselling books, including Red Moon Rising, Dirty Glory, and How to Pray.
'God on Mute is a masterpiece. I cannot recommend it highly
* Nicky Gumbel, HTB and Alpha *
'God on Mute is simply the best resource I've ever found on
unanswered prayer, bar none. With emotional vulnerability,
autobiographical honesty, theological acuity, and the prophetic
fire we've come to expect from one of the global church's most
respected leaders, Pete Greig offers us a way forward when our
prayers go dark. Don't lose your faith, don't abandon your prayers,
read this book.'
* John Mark Comer, bestselling author and teaching pastor,
Bridgetown Church, Portland, Oregon *
'I was bombarded with relief when reading this book! ... Pete's
writing is born out of his own experiences and Scripture, and told
with sweet humor. One moment we go from the black hole of pain and
silence then zoom to the most Almighty God who can do anything. In
the vortex we glimpse a kind Father who seems to be trustworthy
anyway, and promises He is listening. Thank you, Pete, for spurring
us on to hope for the poor, the enslaved, the hungry, and the lost.
I am encouraged to go on hoping and praying, knowing He will answer
* Jackie Pullinger, MBE, St Stephen’s Society, Hong Kong
'In my life I have received many gracious answers to prayer; when I
recall them, my heart sings. My life with God has also been marked
by heartrending instances of unanswered prayer, times when God
remained silent, seemingly impassive to my longing for healing,
reconciliation, restoration, or resurrection. Perhaps you have felt
this way too. We will all, sooner or later, enter the desert of
God's silence. God on Mute, one of the best books I've ever read on
unanswered prayer, is a wise and helpful road map for navigating
the strange and unexpected contours of unanswered prayer. God on
Mute will help many precious image-bearers--I hope thousands--to
travel well the confusing terrain of God's silence. I plan on
rereading it for years to come.'
* Chris Hall, president of Renovaré, distinguished professor of
theology emeritus at Eastern University *
'In this brilliant, poignant, and deeply personal book, Pete Greig
explores the experience of God's silence in the midst of suffering.
Without dodging the reality of the dilemma--God is powerful and
loving and yet our prayers are often met with total silence--Pete
leads us through our questions and disappointments to a place of
hope. God on Mute is a must-read for anyone facing the bewildering
experience of unanswered prayer.'
* Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, director, The Oxford Center for Christian
Apologetics *
'Insightful, gripping and true to life, this book has the capacity
to challenge, encourage, inspire, and comfort. I cannot think of
another book in which the raw reality of unanswered prayer, and the
thrilling walk of pursuing God in prayer, is so meaningfully
addressed. In a world where many see God as some kind of spiritual
ATM, Pete Greig reminds us that first and foremost it is not what
we are asking for in prayer that matters, but rather whom we have
the privilege of asking.'
* Michael Ramsden, president, Ravi Zacharias International
Ministries *
'Over the years we've lost count of the number of times we've
recommended God on Mute to people who are wrestling with doubts and
struggling to connect with God in seasons of pain and confusion.
It's achingly honest, beautifully crafted and theologically
deep--an absolute classic. For both of us, this is one of the most
profound and helpful books we've ever read on one of the most
essential questions, 'Where is God when it hurts?' (And we're not
just saying that because we love Pete!)'
* Tim and Rachel Hughes, Gas Street, Birmingham, UK, and Worship
Central International *
'Pete is a voice I trust. He writes from honesty and authenticity,
far from Christian cliches that keep you feeling like you are in
the dark. God on Mute takes a serious look at the genuine struggle
to hear God's voice. If you need encouragement, tools, patience,
assurance, company, help, wisdom, and practical strategies, this
book is written for you.'
* Danielle Strickland, Women Speakers Collective, Brave Global,
and Amplify Peace *
'The Kingdom is here but not here fully. We can pray bold and wild
prayers, but also hold and hurt in the spaces where our cries to
God go unanswered. These are tensions that few are able to hold,
yet alone explain. In God on Mute, Pete Greig steers us wisely and
compassionately through this difficult terrain, showing us that
even in the darkest seasons, the light of God's love can be
* Mark Sayers, senior leader, Red Church, Melbourne, Australia,
author of Facing Leviathan and Reappearing Church *
'The most powerful theological books are not written from a distant
theoretical viewpoint, but from the battlefield. They're authored
by writers who have wrestled intensely with their theme in the
gritty, raw realities of this life. That is precisely why Pete
Greig's book on unanswered prayer is so very powerful and profound.
For anyone wondering why God seems absent and why heaven seems
silent, God on Mute has some extremely helpful, and healing, things
to say. This book has already impacted many thousands, and I know
it will impact you.'
* Matt Redman, worship leader *
'There is a growing movement in the world today around seeking God
in prayer: it's compelling, and it's exciting. But the elephant in
the room is rarely addressed, unanswered prayer. After the lights
go out and the worship ends, many of us are left wondering why so
many of our best prayers seem to go unanswered. In this thoughtful
and heartfelt book Pete Greig takes a theological and pastoral look
at where God is in the silence. Rather than pushing us away from
God, he actually draws us deeper into pursuit of him. Essential
reading for heavy and hungry hearts.'
* Jon Tyson, Church of the City, New York, author of Beautiful
Resistance *
'What I relish about this book is that Pete faces the problems
full-on, without apology or excuse. . . . It is a Christian
* Justin Welby, archbishop of Canterbury *
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