Darwin Holmstrom has written, co-written, or contributed to over
thirty books on subjects ranging from motorcycles and muscle cars
to Gibson Les Paul guitars, including Indian Motorcycles, GTO:
Fifty Years, Lets Ride: Sonny Bargers Guide to Motorcyclying,Top
Muscle: The Rarest Cars from Americas Fastest Decade, BMW
Motorcycles, The Life Harley-Davidson, and The Complete Idiots
Guide to Motorcycles. Darwin is the senior editor for Motorbooks.
Prior to that he served as Midwestern editor for Motorcyclist
Randy Leffingwell wrote his first book, American Muscle, in 1989
while still on staff at the Los Angeles Times. Since then, he has
authored another 47 titles for Motorbooks and its sister publisher
Voyageur Press, including Porsche 911 50 Years, Corvette 60 Years,
and Harley-Davidson Myth and Mystique. He lives in southern
California, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles.
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