Written by inclusive education expert and author of Narrowing the Attainment Gap, Daniel Sobel, and SENCO Sara Alston, this go-to guide will help all teachers support their most vulnerable students. This book offers a practical approach for primary and secondary teachers to meet students’ needs in a time-effective, low-cost and stress-free way.
Daniel Sobel MA Ed (Psych) FCMI FCIC FRSA is the CEO and founder of Inclusion Expert, a leading educational consultancy offering training and resources to professionals working in inclusion. In 2012, Daniel was highly commended at the Educational Business Awards for his outstanding insights and strategic thinking in education, and Inclusion Expert won a Grand Prix at the Education Investor Awards in 2015. Daniel is the author of Narrowing the Attainment Gap and Leading on Pastoral Care, and is a featured columnist for The Guardian. He has also written for the Times Educational Supplement and regularly speaks on educational inclusion, social and behavioural issues, special educational needs, managing mental health, foster care children and impoverishment at national and international conferences. Sara Alston BA, PGCE, PGDE, NPQH is a practising SENCO, and as SEA Inclusion & Safeguarding works as an independent consultant and trainer supporting schools with SEND and safeguarding. She draws on her experiences as a teacher and senior leader to support teachers to better understand pupils and their strengths and barriers to learning, and to use this to promote their learning. She has authored several training courses for teachers and teaching assistants, and articles on safeguarding and SEND.
The Inclusive Classroom is essential reading for new and
experienced teachers. It is insightful, accessible and packed with
practical ideas. This will prove to be a great resource supporting
the inclusion of all children.
*Senior Lecturer in SEN at Bath Spa University, @drhelcurran*
The Inclusive Classroom provides the perfect blend of tried and
tested pedagogy with a fantastic and easily accessible way to
advise all educators on how to be more inclusive. I thoroughly
enjoyed the pearls of wisdom shared by two passionate educators who
are refreshingly open and honest about the challenges they face
with their own learning difficulties.
*Director of Siddiqui Education, @SiddiquiEdu*
An honest, genuine and authentic read by two authors with personal,
first-hand experience of SEN. The book is peppered with tangible
ways to look to the needs of all children as individuals. The “Try
this… Instead of this” sections are particularly useful for
practitioners. I highly recommend it.
*Former headteacher and educational consultant*
This book is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for professionals
on how to best create a well-balanced and supportive classroom.
It's a must-read to improve your planning and delivery of lessons
and take a holistic approach to SEN.
*Primary school teacher, @mrsalicegreen*
Practical, concrete advice peppered with brilliant anecdotes. This
utterly readable book is not just for teachers of children with
SEND; it has the power to absolutely change the way every teacher
approaches every child.
*SEND Lead at the Xavier Catholic Education Trust, consultant and
The Inclusive Classroom urges us to really know what makes each
young person in our care tick in order to support their learning.
This is a must-have for everyone who works in schools.
*CEO of Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust, @DBAT_UK*
Each and every pupil is both unique and special. An additional
learning need is not necessarily a difficulty. This book provides a
timely, personal and welcome reminder of the importance of
individual pupils’ needs, instead of an obsession with a
*Deputy Headteacher and Wellbeing and Achievement Lead,
It’s rare these days to come across an educational book that I both
wish I’d written and wish I’d read at the beginning of my career.
The Inclusive Classroom is exactly such a book. It is packed with
practical, relevant and insightful advice that will enable any
classroom practitioner to really meet the needs of all their
children. What I love most is its simplicity. Complex theory and
years of knowledge are distilled into bite-sized tips that
everyone, from new teachers to experienced leaders, can apply
immediately to support the creation of a calm, secure learning
environment for all. This should be essential reading on initial
teacher training if we’re serious as a nation about ensuring every
child gets the education they deserve whilst giving teachers more
precious time.
*Headteacher of Croydon Virtual School and former primary
headteacher @sarahba19844848*
This is a practical, honest and supportive guide to illuminate the
importance of establishing an inclusive environment where all
children can shine, be engaged and love their learning journey. It
supports teachers to take structured steps to improve inclusivity
for all children in their care. This is a must-read for every
teacher and school leader!
*National Leader of Education and Headteacher*
Dispelling myths, generously sharing their own personal experiences
of the education system and breaking their helpful advice into
easily applicable chunks, Daniel and Sara empower and enable
teachers to make a difference to children’s outcomes and life
*Headteacher and National Leader for Education, Ringwood School and
the SPELL Alliance*
Guiding teachers through the different phases of a lesson, from
starters to plenaries, each chapter contains simple, effective
actions to improve learning outcomes for students vulnerable to
underachievement, including those traditionally labelled SEN, EAL,
pupil premium, looked after and young carers.
*Teach Secondary*
They use short case studies to illustrate points and describe
common classroom activities and situations. They then explain how
these can be adapted to enable teachers to reflect on common
practice and use relatively simple ways to create and sustain
successful classroom routines. Back up ideas are also offered for
when things don’t go as planned. This is an excellent guide to
changing approaches to inclusion and creating a culture where all
children can flourish.
*SEN Magazine*
Sara and Daniel have compiled a great book here offering a
practical approach to differentiation ensuring all pupils in the
classroom are offered opportunities to thrive.
The book is packed with practical and often simple suggestions that
would make all the difference. The authors are obviously speaking
with bags of experience, demonstrating great understanding and a
huge amount of perception. I think the tips and ideas suggested in
this book would benefit all our teaching practices wherever we are
in our careers.
*Love Reading 4 Schools*
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