Cancer Country. Being kind to be cruel. Credit me. Smiles are not enough. Overboard. Death Row? Birds of a feather. Incongruity. Half truth is no truth. Nothing to rely on. Transmogrify. Open book. Next! Curiouser and curiouser. Inside Outside. Time Out. Indispensable: indigestible. Leaden feet. When we’re through. Lucky Patient 10,003. Against the Grain. Beyond. Redundant, but free. Relay Race. Watershed. Country Mouse. How-are-you-fine! Memorised? Doors. Castle Howard Hussies. Tomorrow People. Dharma. Self heal.
Independent Health Consultant
'This is a factual and at times harrowing account of the author's illness, with a clear message that it's bad enough having cancer without the patronizing and deceitful attitudes of doctors making the experience far worse than it need be...if anyone is in doubt of the need to take a more patient-centred approach to dealing with patients then they should read this.' DR ERIC WATTS, MEDICAL VICE CHAIR, RCPATH LAY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONSULTANT HAEMATOLOGIST 'Highly impassioned, pulling no punches in a candid and unvarnished account of the author's experience. There are thought-provoking discussion points and suggestions for improvement throughout. In a foreword to the book, Professor Karol Sikora says that "it is essential reading for all who deal with cancer patients." That is a recommendation to be wholeheartedly endorsed.' - Mr Gordon Cropper, Immediate past Lay Chair of the RCPath Lay Advisory Committee. THE BULLETIN OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PATHOLOGISTS 'A beautifully written book. If the quality of cancer care is to be built on a triad of effectiveness, safety and patient experience, it is this last element that is least accessible to the caring professions, unless writers like Mitzi share their accounts with us. Fortunately, she does it in away that is readable, honest and challenging but also full of hope that things can and will improve. Should be on the essential reading list for those striving to improve the quality of care for cancer and to understand and improve the experience of their patients more generally.' QUALITY IN PRIMARY CARE 'A cracking read. It ought to be required reading for all doctors, medical students, hospital executives, and everyone who believes in patient partnership.' ACP NEWS 'I would recommend this book to all members of the multidisciplinary team working in the oncology area. It would also provide an insight into the patient's perspective for health professionals, students and committee members dealing with oncology patients.' CANCER COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA WEB FORUM
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