The lexicographical labours of the late Dr C.T. Onions began when
he joined the staff of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1895. His
astringent yet humane scholarship in this field was well known from
his work as co-editor (with J. A. H. Murray, Henry Bradley, and W.
A. Craigie) of the OED, and later of the Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary. His life work was crowned with his new etymological
dictionary, based on the OED but
embodying further research on the etymology of English and of the
other languages concerned.
ODEE is going to be, as it deserves to be, the standard
etymological dictionary of the English language.
*Times Literary Supplement*
This is a very fine etymological dictionary, as aromatic a piece of
lexicography as the great Onions (who, sadly died while the work
was going through the press) ever achieved Anyone who wants to take
journeys back through the mazes of the fickle human mind cannot
very well do without this volume.
*Anthony Burgess, Observer*
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