Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable DataChapter 1: Data AnalysisChapter
2: Modeling Distributions of Quantitative Data
Unit 2: Exploring TWO-Variable Data Chapter 3: Exploring
Two-Variable Quantitative Data
Unit 3: Collecting DataChapter 4: Collecting Data
Unit 4: Probability, Random Variables, and Probability
DistributionsChapter 5: ProbabilityChapter 6: Random Variables and
Probability Distributions
Unit 5: Sampling DistributionsChapter 7: Sampling Distributions
Unit 6: Inference for Categorical Data: ProportionsChapter 8:
Estimating Proportions with ConfidenceChapter 9: Testing Claims
about Proportions
Unit 7: Inference for Quantitative Data: Means Chapter
10: Estimating Means with ConfidenceChapter 11: Testing Claims
about Means
Unit 8: Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-SquareUnit 9: Inference
for Quantitative Data: Slopes Chapter 12: Inference for
Distributions and Relationships
Daren S. Starnes is Mathematics Department Chair and holds the Robert S. and Christina Seix Dow Distinguished Master Teacher Chair in Mathematics at The Lawrenceville School near Princeton, New Jersey. He earned his MA in Mathematics from the University of Michigan and his BS in Mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Josh Tabor has enjoyed teaching on-level and AP® Statistics to high school students for more than 23 years, most recently at his alma mater, Canyon del Oro High School in Oro Valley, Arizona. He received a BS in Mathematics from Biola University, in La Mirada, California.
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