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Writing Matters


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ContentsPART 1 Writing Matters: Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Designing1 Writing Responsibly in the Information Age a. Writing Today b. The Writer’s Responsibilities WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Your College’s Plagiarism Policy WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Taking Yourself Seriously as a Writer 2 Planning Your Project a. Analyzing Your Writing SituationWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Your Audience and You b. Analyzing an Assignment c. Generating Ideas WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Note Taking and Plagiarism WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Keep Track as You Browse d. Narrowing or Broadening a Topic e. Working with Others: Planning a Collaborative Project 3 Organizing and Drafting Your Project a. Crafting an Effective Thesis b. Organizing Your Ideas c. Preparing to Draft d. Drafting: Explaining and Supporting Your IdeasWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Made-up “evidence”  STUDENT PROJECT: FIRST DRAFT e. Writing with Others: Collaborative Projects 4 Crafting and Connecting Paragraphs a. Writing Relevant Paragraphs b. Writing Unified Paragraphs c. Writing Coherent Paragraphs WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Guiding the Reader d. Developing Paragraphs Using Patternse. Writing Introductory Paragraphs f. Writing Concluding Paragraphs g. Connecting Paragraphs  5 Drafting and Revising Visuals a. Deciding Whether to Illustrate College Writing Projects b. Using Visuals as Evidence WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Exploitative Images c. Deciding Whether to Copy Visuals or to Create Them d. Revising Visuals 6 Revising, Editing, Proofreading, and Formatting REVISING GLOBALLY: LEARNING TO RE-SEE a. Gaining Perspectiveb. Rereading Your DraftWRITING RESPONSIBLY: The Big Picture c. Reconsidering Your Title REVISING LOCALLY: EDITING WORDS AND SENTENCESd. Choosing Your Words with Caree. Editing Your SentencesWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Making an Essay Long Enough without WordinessREVISING WITH OTHERSf. Peer Revising g. Working with a Tutor or Instructor PROOFREADING AND FORMATTINGh. Proofreading WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Beware the Spell Checker!  i. Formatting an Academic Text STUDENT PROJECT: FINAL DRAFTj. Creating and Submitting a PortfolioPERSONAL STATEMENT PART 2 Reasoning Matters: Reading, Thinking, and Arguing 7 Thinking and Reading Critically a. Comprehending READING RESPONSIBLY: Engaging with What You Readb. Reflectingc. Preparing to Write WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Drawing Inferences WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Understanding criticism STUDENT PROJECT: CRITIQUE 8 Analyzing and Crafting Arguments a. Persuading and Exploring WRITING RESPONSIBLY: The Well-Tempered Tone b. Reasoning Logically WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Considering Counterevidence c. Avoiding Logical Fallacies WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Visual Claims and Visual Fallaciesd. Making a Claim WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Choosing a Fresh Topic e. Appealing to Readers: Intellect, Authority, and Emotions ARGUING RESPONSIBLY: Making Oral Argumentsf. Unearthing Assumptions g. Considering Alternative Viewpoints h. Organizing Arguments: Classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin models STUDENT PROJECT: EXPLORATORY ARGUMENT PART 3 Media Matters9 Designing Printed and Electronic Documents a. Understanding the Four Principles of Designb. Planning Your Design Project c. Applying the Principles of Design WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Selecting Fonts with Readers in Mind WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Designing for Those with Impaired Color Vision10 Writing for Multiple Media a. Writing and Answering Email WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Maintain Confidentiality in Email WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Email and Privacy b. Creating a Website or Web Page c. Writing in Interactive MediaWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Flaming 11 Making a Multimedia Presentationa. Identifying your Purpose, Audience, Context, and Genre b. Devising a Topic and Thesis c. Organizing the Presentation d. Preparing and Rehearsing the Presentation e. Delivering the Presentation f. Speaking Responsibly LISTENING RESPONSIBLY: Active Listening PART 4 Research Matters12 Planning a Research Project a. Analyzing the Assignment's Purpose, Audience, and Method of Developmentb. Setting a Schedulec. Choosing and Narrowing a Research Topic d. Drafting Research Questions and Hypotheses WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Printed Sources e. Choosing Research Sources Strategicallyf. Establishing a Research Log WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Avoiding Plagiarism at the Startg. Building a Working Bibliography 13 Finding Informationa. Finding Information on the Web b. Finding Other Electronic Sources: Interactive Mediac. Finding Articles in Journals and Other Periodicals Using Databases and Indexes d. Finding Reference Works WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Wikipedia e. Finding Books Using Library Catalogs f. Finding Government Publications g. Finding Multimedia Sources h. Conducting Field Research WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Conducting Interviews FairlyWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Avoiding Manipulation and Bias in Observations   14 Evaluating Information a. Evaluating for Relevance and Reliability WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Keeping an Open Mind  WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Online Plagiarism b. Evaluating Online Texts: Websites, Blogs, Wikis and Online Discussion Forums  c. Evaluating visual sources15 Using Information and Avoiding Plagiarism a. Valuing Research b. Using Information Ethically: What You Do and Do Not Have to AcknowledgeWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Illustrations and Acoiding Plagiarismc. Making Notes That Help You Avoid Plagiarizing d. Making Research Notes That Help You Write WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Annotating versus Making Notese. Summarizing f. Paraphrasing without Patchwriting  g. Quoting WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Quotations Fairlyh. Using Analysis, Interpretation, Synthesis, and Critique in Your Notes  16 Writing the Research Project a. Drafting a Thesis Statement b. Organizing Your Ideas WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Acknowledging Counterevidence c. Drafting Your Research Project d. Revising, Proofreading, Formatting, and Publishing Your Project PART 5 Documentation Matters17 Documenting Sources: MLA Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Citing and Documenting Sources a. Creating MLA-Style In-Text Citations b. Preparing an MLA-Style List of Works Cited Books--Printed and ElectronicPeriodicals--Printed and ElectronicOther Electornic SourcesAudio and Visual SourcesMiscellaneous Sourcesc. Using MLA Style for Content and Bibliographic Notes d. Formatting a Paper in MLA Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Of Deadlines and Paperclips STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECT: MLA STYLE 18 Documenting Sources: APA Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Citing and Documenting Sources a. Creating APA Style In-Text Citations b. Preparing an APA-Style Reference ListBooks--Printed and ElectronicPeriodicals--Printed and ElectronicOther Electornic SourcesAudio and Visual SourcesMiscellaneous Sourcesc. Formatting a Paper in APA Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Of Deadlines and Paperclips STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECT: APA STYLE 19 Documenting Sources: Chicago Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Citing and Documenting Sources a. Creating Chicago-Style Notes and Bibliographic Entries Books--Printed and ElectronicPeriodicals--Printed and ElectronicOther Electornic SourcesAudio and Visual SourcesMiscellaneous Sourcesb. Using Chicago Style for Tables and Figuresc. Using Chicago Style for Content Notesc. Formatting a Chicago-Style PaperWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Of Deadlines and Paperclips STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECT: CHICAGO STYLE 20 Documenting Sources: CSE Style WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Citing Sources a. Creating CSE-Style In-Text Citations b. Preparing a CSE-Style Reference ListBooks--Printed and ElectronicPeriodicals--Printed and ElectronicOther Electornic and Miscellaneous Sourcesc. Formatting a CSE-Style Paper and Reference List WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Of Deadlines and Paperclips STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECT: CSE STYLE PART 6 Genre Matters: Writing in and beyond College21 Writing in Literature and the Other Humanities a. Adopting the Approach of Literature and the Other Humanities WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Reading with Study Guides b. Using the Resources of Literature and the Other Humanities c. Citing and Documenting sources--MLA and Chicago Style d. Using the Language of Literature and the Other Humanitiese. Understanding Writing Projects in Literature and the Other Humanities STUDENT PROJECT: WRITIGN ABOUT FICTION f. Writing about Poetry STUDENT PROJECT: WRITING ABOUT POETRY g. Writing about drama PROFESSIONAL PROJECT: REVIEW OF A PLAY22 Writing in the Sciences and Social Sciences a. Adopting the Approach of the Sciences and Social Sciences b. Using the Research Methods of the Sciences and Social Sciences WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Presenting Data Accuratelyc. Citing and Documenting Sources--APA and CSE Styled. Using the Language of the Sciences and Social Sciences e. Writing Assignments in the Sciences and Social Sciences STUDENT PROJECT: RESEARCH REPORT23 Preparing for and Taking an Essay Exama. Preparing for an Essay Examb. Previewing the ExamWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Your Computer during and Essay Exam c. Writing an Effective Answer: Respond to the Question, Provide Support, and Organize Logicallyd. Doing a Final Check TWO SAMPLE ANSWERS: EFFECTIVE AND INEFFECTIVE 24 Writing in Business and as a Citizen (by Amy Taggart) a. Using Business Lett er Formatsb. Writing Business Letters WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Letters to the Editor c. Writing Business Memos WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Personal Emails and IM at Work d. Writing Job Application Letters e. Writing Résumés f. Writing Reports and Proposals g. Writing Press ReleasesPART 7 Style Matters25 Writing ConciselyWRITING RESPONSIBLY: "Concise" versus "Brief" a. Eliminating Wordy Expressions b. Eliminating Ineffective or Unnecessary Repetition c. Avoiding Roundabout Constructions d. Consolidating Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences 26 Using Coordination and Subordinationa. Coordinating Terms, Phrases, and Clauses b. Coordinating Effectively c. Distinguishing Primary from Secondary Information with Subordinationd. Using Coordination and Subordination Together 27 Using Parallelisma. Using Parallelism for Paired Items and Items in a Series b. Maintaining Parallelism in Comparisons c. Including Function Words to Maintain Parallelism d. Maintaining Parallelism for Items in Lists and Outlinese. Using Parallelism to Create Emphasis 28 Engaging Readers with Variety and Emphasisa. Varying Sentence Length and Structure b. Organizing Sentences for Variety and Emphasis c. Creating Emphasis with Punctuation d. Using Questions, Commands, and Exclamations e. Using Strategic Repetition f. Creating Emphasis with Emphatic Verbs g. Choosing the Active or Passive Voice WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Voice and Responsibility29 Choosing Appropriate Language a. Using Language in Context WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Online Shortcuts WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Euphemisms and Doublespeak b. Avoiding Biased or Hurtful Language 30 Choosing Effective Words a. Diction: Finding the Right Word WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Word Choice and Credibility b. Choosing Compelling Words and Figures c. Mastering Idiomsd. Avoiding Clichés 31 Using the Dictionary and Spelling Correctly a. Choosing a Dictionary WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Accurate Synonyms b. Using a Dictionary c. Avoiding Common Spelling Problemsd. Remembering Spelling RulesWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Spelling Errors e. Forming Pluralsd. Improving Your Day-to-Day Spelling PART 8 Grammar Matters32 Understanding GrammarWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Why Grammar Matters THE PARTS OF SPEECHa. Nouns b. Pronouns c. Verbsd. Adjectives e. Adverbs f. Prepositions g. Conjunctions h. Interjections SENTENCE STRUCTUREi. Subjects j. Predicates k. Verb Types and Sentence Patternsl. Phrases m. Independent and Subordinate Clauses n. Sentence Types 33 Avoiding Sentence Fragmentsa. Recognizing FragmentsWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Sentence Fragments and Context b. Correcting Fragments c. Using Intentional Fragments Effectively and Judiciously 34 Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentencesa. Correctly Joining Independent Clauses b. Identifying Incorrectly Joined Independent Clauses: Comma Splices and Fused Sentences WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Clarifying Boundariesc. Recognizing When Comma Splices and Fused Sentences Tend to Occur d. Correcting Comma Splices and Fused Sentences 35 Maintaining Agreement SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENTa. Understanding How Subjects and Verbs Agree WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Dialect Variation in Subject-Verb Agreement b Ignoring Words That Intervene between the Subject and the Verb c. Distinguishing Plural from Singular Compound Subjects d. Distinguishing Singular and Plural Indefinite Pronouns e. Understanding Collective Noun Subjects f. Finding Agreement When the Subject Is a Measurement, a Number, or the Word Number g. Recognizing Nouns like Measles and Economics That Are Singular Even Though They End in –s  h. Treating Titles, Words as Words, and Gerund Phrases as Singular i. Matching a Relative Pronoun (Who, Which, or That) to Its Antecedent When the Pronoun Is the Subject of a Subordinate Clause j. Finding Agreement When the Subject Follows the Verb k. Matching a Linking Verb with Its Subject, not Its Subject Complement PRONOUN ANTECEDENT AGREEMENTl. Matching Pronouns with Indefinite Pronoun and Generic Noun Antecedents m. Matching Pronouns with Collective Noun Antecedents n. Matching Pronouns with Compound Antecedents 36 Using VerbsVERB FORMSa. Understanding the Basic Forms of Verbs b. Using Regular and Irregular Verb Forms Correctly c. Combining Main Verbs with Helping Verbs to Form Complete Verbs d. Including –s or –es, -d or –ed Endings When Requirede. Distinguishing Rise from Raise, Sit from Set, Lie from Lay TENSEf. Understanding Which Verb Tense to Use g. Following Conventions for the Use of the Present Tense  h. Using Tense Sequence to Clarify Time Relationships MOODi. Understanding Verb Mood j.Using the Subjunctive Mood Correctly VOICEk. Understanding Voice l. Choosing between the Active and Passive Voice 37 Understanding Pronoun Case and Reference  PRONOUN CASEa. Using the Subjective Case for Subject Complements b. She and I or Her and Me? Keeping Track of Case in Compounds c. Keeping Track of Pronoun Case in Appositives d. Deciding between We and Us before Nouns  e. Using the Objective Case Both before and after an Infinitive f. Deciding on Pronoun Case with the –ing Form of a Verb  g. Clarifying Pronoun Case in Comparisons with Than or As h. Distinguishing Who, Whom, Whoever, and Whomever WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Case and Tone CLEAR PRONOUN REFERENCEi. Avoiding Ambiguous Reference j. Avoiding Confusingly Broad Reference with It, This, That, and Which k. Avoiding Implied Reference l. Reserving You for Directly Addressing the Reader m. Avoiding the Indefinite Use of They and It  n. Designating People with Who, Whom, and Whose, not That and Which38 Using Adjectives and Adverbs a. Differentiating Adjectives and Adverbs b. Using Adjectives, Not Adverbs, as Subject Complements after Linking Verbs c. Choosing Bad or Badly, Good or Welld. Using Negatives Correctly e. Avoiding Long Strings of Nouns Used as Adjectives f. Using Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs 39 Avoiding Confusing Shiftsa. Avoiding Awkward Shifts in Tense b. Avoiding Awkward Shifts in Mood and Voice c. Avoiding Shifts in Person and Number d. Avoiding Awkward Shifts in Direct and Indirect Quotations and Questions 40 Avoiding Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers MISPLACED MODIFIERSa. Avoiding Confusing or Ambiguous Placement b. Avoiding Disruptive Placement WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Misplaced Modifiers in the Real WorldDANGLING MODIFIERSc. Identifying Dangling Modifiers d. Correcting Dangling Modifiers 41 Avoiding Mixed and Incomplete Constructions MIXED CONSTRUCTIONSa. Recognizing and Correcting Grammatically Mixed Constructions b. Recognizing and Correcting Mismatched Subjects and Predicates INCOMPLETE CONSTRUCTIONSc. Adding Essential Words to Compound and Other Constructionsd. Avoiding Incomplete or Ambiguous Comparisons PART 9 ESL Matters (by Ted E. Johnston and M. E. Sokolik)42 Understanding English Word Order and Sentence Structure a. Observing Normal Word Order  b. Including a Stated Subject c. Managing There and It Constructionsd. Eliminating Redundant Subject and Object Pronouns e. Sentence Structure with Direct Objects, Indirect Objects, and Object Complements f. Observing Word Order Patterns in Questionsg. Observing Inverted Word Order When Certain Conjunctions or Adverbs Begin a Clause 43 Using Nouns and Noun Determiners   a. Understanding Different Types of Noun b. Using Nouns with Articles (a, an, the) and Other Determiners 44 Managing English Verbs a. Using Phrasal Verbs b. Using Gerunds and Infinitives after Verbs and Prepositionsc. Using Participles as Adjectivesd. Using Helping Verbs for Verb Formation45 Managing Adjectives and Adverbsa. Placing Adjectives in the Proper Order b. Choosing the Correct Prepositions with Adjectives c. Placing Adverbs Correctly d. Dealing with Confusing Adverbs 46 Using Prepositions a. Recognizing Prepositions b. The Functions of Prepositions c. Using Prepositions Correctly d. Necessary and Unnecessary Prepositions PART 10 Detail Matters: Punctuation and Mechanics 47 Using Commas WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Commas and Clarity a. Using Commas in Compound Sentences b. Using a Comma after Introductory Elements  c. Using Commas to Set Off Conjunctive Adverbs and Transitional Phrasesd. Inserting Commas to Set Off Interjections, Contrasting Information, Expressions of Direct Address, Parenthetical and Conversational Expressions, and Tag Sentences e. Using Commas to Separate Items in a Series f. Using Commas to Separate Coordinate, Not Cumulative, Adjectives g. Using Commas to Set Off Nonessential Appositives, Phrases, and Clauses h. Using Commas with Quotations i. Using Commas with Numbers, Titles, Place Names and Addresses, and Dates j. Using Commas to Avoid Ambiguityk. Avoiding Commas between Subjects and Verbs, Verbs and Objects 48 Using Semicolons WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Sending a Signal with Semicolons a. Using a Semicolon to Link Independent Clauses b. Using a Semicolon before a Conjunctive Adverb or Transitional Phrase Linking Two Independent Clauses c. Using a Semicolon to Mark a Series with Internal Commas d. Repairing a Comma Splice e. Avoiding Overuse 49 Using Apostrophes WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Contractions in Formal Writing a. Using the Apostrophe to Indicate Possession b. Using Apostrophes in Contrac tions and Abbreviated Years c. Moving Away from Using Apostrophes to Form Plurals of Abbreviations, Dates, and Words or Letters Used as Words50 Using Quotation Marks a. Setting Off Direct Quotations  WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Quotations Fairly b. Indicating Titles of Short Works c. Indicating Words Used in a Special Sense d. Misusing Quotation Marks e. Punctuating Quotations f. Altering Quotations with Ellipses and Square Brackets g. Introducing and Identifying Quotations 51 Using End Punctuation: Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points a. Using Periods to End Statements and Mild Commands b. Using Question Marks to End Direct (Not Indirect) Questions WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Question Marks and Exclamation Points c. Using Exclamation Points with Strong Commands or to Express Excitement or Surprise 52 Using Other Punctuation Marks: Dashes, Parentheses, Brackets, Colons, Ellipses, and Slashes a. Using Dashes b. Using Parentheses c. Using Brackets WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using [sic] d. Using Colons e. Using Ellipses WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Altering Quotations f. Using Slashes 53 Capitalizing a. Capitalizing the First Word of Sentence b. Capitalizing Proper Nouns and Proper Adjectives c. Capitalizing Titles and Subtitles d. Capitalizing the First-Person Pronoun I and the Interjection OWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Capitalizing in Email and IM e. Capitalizing Abbreviations and Acronyms 54 Italics and Underlining a. Italicizing Titles of Longer Works b. Italicizing for Emphasis WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Italics for Emphasisc. Italicizing Names of Vehicles d. Italicizing Words, Letters, or Numbers Used as Wordse. Italicizing Unfamiliar Non-English Words and Latin Genus and Species f. Underlining Hyperlinks55 Using Abbreviationsa. Abbreviating Titles before and after Names b. Using Familiar Abbreviations: Acronyms and Initialisms WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Using Online Abbreviations Appropriately c. Using Abbreviations with Specific Years (BC, BCE, AD, CE), Hours (a.m., p.m.), Numbers (no.), Dollars ($) d. Avoiding Abbreviations of Names, Words, Courses, Parts of Books, States and Countries, Days and Months, Holidays and Units of Measurement in Prose e. Replacing Latin Abbreviations with English Equivalents in Formal Prose 56 Using Numbers WRITING RESPONSIBLY: Ethos and Convention a. Spelling Out Numbers When They Can Be Expressed in One or Two words b. Following Conventions for Dates, Times, Addresses, Specific Amounts of Money and Other Quantitative Information, and Divisions of Literary Works 57 Using Hyphensa. Using Hyphens to Form CompoundsWRITING RESPONSIBLY: Hyphenating with Readers in Mindb. Using Hyphens to Break Words at Ends of Lines Glossary of Key TermsGlossary of UsageCreditsESL IndexIndex

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